Church Training
Forge Albany helps guide church leaders in equipping their church to join in the extraordinary mission of God right where they live, work, and play. The following is a list of resources that Forge Albany offers to help you, as a church leader, train the men and women in your church to be missionaries right here in Albany.
Church Training
Church training is designed to equip and empower your whole congregation to live as missionaries to their community. Each church training program is custom designed to fit the needs of your church and could include:
Sunday Sermon or One Session Workshop.
Overview of basic missional ideas and principles.
One-Day Church Training.
Four sessions covering: Missional Engagement, Inclusive Community, Unconditional Serving, and Gospel Sharing.
4-session Training Course.
Same training as One-Day Training spread out over four sessions. Involves more application and processing of missional paradigms and practices.
Three 3-Month Training Cohorts:
Each 3-month Training Cohort involves three training sessions alternating with three coaching sessions. Each training cohort covers: 1) God’s Mission, 2) God’s Message, and 3) God’s Missionary (click here for cohort overviews).
We are here to partner with your church to train your men and women to be missionaries to their community. To learn more about church training and if church training is a good fit for your congregation, contact us on our APPLY page.
Church Partnerships
Churches can choose to become Forge Albany partners. Forge Albany church partners get the opportunity to be ongoing and stable supporters of the Forge Albany ministry, as well as be able to access to yearly missional training for your church. Churches can pick and personalize the level of partnership that best suits their budget and needs:
6 Missional Training sessions.
2 Leadership Coaching sessions.
12 Missional Training sessions.
6 Leadership Coaching sessions.
Access to all online Forge curriculum and resources.
18 Missional Training sessions.
12 Leadership Coaching sessions.
Access to all online Forge curriculum and resources.
Whether you choose a Church Partnership, or choose training “à la carte," we are here to partner with your church to train your men and women to be missionaries to their community. To learn more about church training and if church training is a good fit for your congregation, contact us on our APPLY page.